Tag Archives: barack obama

Who’s Upset Over Brexit Says Everything You Need To Know.

By: Chris Warren.

Well, they gone and done it! The United Kingdom has voted to dump the European Union and release themselves from an entire layer of feckless, inattentive, nanny state government. I will not feign neutrality here. Twenty First Summer has previously supported the Brexit. Over the last few days the media was flooded with analyses. I’m going to make this real easy. To truly understand the Brexit, just look at who is pissed off about it:

The Democrats: President Barak Obama was concerned enough to make a special trip to England to campaign against the Brexit. Imagine how deeply offended Americans would be if British Prime Minister David Cameron came to American soil and stirred the pot about a major, life-changing USA issue. Hillary Clinton at least had enough sense to shoot her mouth off from her own side of the Atlantic, but she was nonetheless just as against Brexit as Obama. It’s an election year like none before it, and the Obama/Clinton cartel don’t want the distraction of Brexit shining a very bright light light on their deeply flawed big government philosophy. By default, they had to be against it. And by default, they are very, very unhappy that it did not go their way.

Millennials: Specifically, British millennials. The 18-34 age group voted against the Brexit nearly 2-1 compared to their elders. Now they are whining that they have to inherit a world that their elders made and are even pushing for a “do-over” election. They grew up being told everyone gets a trophy, so I guess we can understand why they think they can just keep voting over and over until they win. British millennial  crybabies grew up in an escalating cradle-to-grave welfare state and have collectively contributed very little to society; it is somewhat amusing that they pout over the decisions of the people who paid for all their free stuff. Here’s a life lesson to all millennials: Sometimes you actually do lose. And no one gets to live in a world they made. Get over yourselves.

The rest of the European Union: The EU is not a benevolent body working towards the betterment of the common man. It’s a “special club” of power brokers who manipulate an entire continent to further their political, financial, and social goals. When the United Kingdom bailed, the EU lost control over a big chunk of its prime territory. Now the EU is saying that the UK is free to leave, but if they still want to do business with EU nations, then the Brits must assent to most of the demands that drove the movement to break away from the EU in the first place. In any other situation this would be called collusion, blackmail, threats, and extortion. Since a government body is doing it, it’s politely called “negotiating”.

It’s no coincidence that the elite aristocrats, wealthy connected families, business executives, and a happily dependent younger generation are the main groups upset about the success of the Brexit. They’re all worried about their slice of the pie getting smaller.

Here in the United States, Democrats play down the influence of the Brexit in American politics. Liberals are sticking to the talking point that it is a European regional matter with no corresponding effect in the USA, but that’s whistling past the graveyard. The atmosphere of revolt is palpable and the more liberals talk, the more they call attention to a system –their system– that a majority of Americans believe is not working. Meanwhile, presidential candidate Donald Trump wasted no time drawing similarities between the Brexit and his candidacy; the voters are slowly if not haltingly seeing Trump’s light.

The long term effects of the Brexit are yet to be known. What we do know is that it speaks volumes about what freeloaders & the power hungry, both rich and poor, sincerely think about those of us who pull our boots on and go to a real job every day. The USA Democrats are similar to the EU in that they appreciate us little people only to the extent that they can exploit us. There is no need for average Americans to sort through the endless Brexit explanations. Just look at who is agitated about it and ask yourself: Who do they really care about? Hint: It’s not you.

Crashing The Liberal Elite Pity Party.

By: Chris Warren.

All government plans large or small are seldom the original work of the congressmen and senators who vote on them. An army of consultants and researchers are brought in and paid very well to help shape a concept into actual written policies and laws. The process can take years and the end result is usually at least hundreds of not thousands of pages long.

Not long ago economist Johnathan Gruber was just another healthcare policy nerd almost completely unknown outside of Washington DC. Guys like him very seldom become public celebrities. Gruber is the rare exception. Behind what he said when he thought no one was paying attention (and kicked him straight into the headlines) is a bigger idea that has nothing to do with his area of professional expertise.

Having been paid millions in consulting fees to help the federal government and numerous states implement the historic healthcare law that he was a point man on, one would think that Gruber above anyone would believe in his own creation and be proud to explain the benefits of the law on its own merits and how it’s going to help every American.

What actually happened needs little explanation because it was all carefully documented in a series of videos starring Gruber himself speaking at various conferences and meetings. The theme of the speeches is that Gruber admits the legislation was purposely rigged to confuse and mislead and hide the fact that most of us were going to get screwed by this law. In his own words, American voters are “stupid”. He piously goes on to declare that the deception was worth it for the greater good of getting the law passed.

And therein lies the lesson. Gruber has validated what so many Americans already know: Government, particularly the liberal Democrat kind, believe they are intellectually and morally superior and know what’s best for everyone. They toil for the ungrateful heathens. Their dishonesty is warranted because we of the ignorant masses are not complex enough to process or appreciate the gift of government oversight. There is no problem that cannot be solved with tax dollars and legislation. It is the very reason the Democratic Party exists.

Republicans have for their part largely avoided the big government label. The reasons why should not make them feel proud. Everything is relative in politics. Republicans are indeed a big government party; Democrats are a bigger government party. It’s a completely fair observation that Republicans have their own brand of overbearing “nanny state” attitudes stamped into their positions, it’s just that the Democrats have gone out of their way to make it a deliberate part of their platform. Or more cynically, the Republicans are better at hiding it.

It’s been floating around in the media that the current Congress (2013-2014 session) is the “least productive” in history based on the number of laws passed. Only a big government stooge would think passing laws just for the sake of saying you did something counts as “productivity.” I’m taking it in the other direction: The less they get done the better. As the 2014 midterm elections have proven, Americans are in no mood for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid blessing us with more of their great ideas. My definition of productivity is the liberal elite having the least possible number of opportunities to screw with my life.

In the midst of beating up the political parties, it’s worth noting that American voters are themselves complicit in the bullshit. Congress’ approval rating is lower than a sewer rat, yet somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of incumbents managed to get reelected in the 2014 midterms, and many of them did it without even a serious challenge in the primaries last spring. Where is the incentive for congress to change? Why should they be expected to bust their ass to do a good job if there is no penalty for screwing off? At some point voters forfeit the right to whine about elected officials. I’m not sure where that point is, but I bet we’re real close to it.

Polls show that even though Americans disapprove of congress by enormous margins, they tend to like their individual representative. That may explain why they keep getting reelected. Congressional reps are like toddlers who are cute and adorable until they are placed in a group with other toddlers. Then they turn into wretched evil quarreling beasts. It’s sad that the analogy fits so well.

So we are trapped with two major political parties, one only marginally better than the other but both nonetheless think they can run our lives better than we can ourselves. Gruber’s loose-lipped remarks, disrespectful as they may be, are unusual only in that he had the arrogance to utter them in front of a camera and a microphone and think he fooled everyone. His confidence that he was righteous in doing so is standard progressivist behavior, although they usually pull it off with a little more finesse. According to liberal doctrine, Gruber’s offense was not his disdain for ordinary Americans, it was his exposing the calculated deceit.